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Showing posts from December, 2018

CCA 175 Preparation with this 6 practice questions- Try to solve it in 1 hour

As I found very few practice questions available on the internet for CCA 175 - Hadoop & spark developer exam. I set 6 questions exam with the solution provided in the comment section.  If you complete it in less than 1 hour then and then think to apply CCA 175 exam else you need more practice. Question's prerequisites : import data from orders table with parquet file format and save data to hdfs path: /user/rj_example/parquet_data/orders import data from customers table and save data to hdfs path: /user/rj_example/data/customers import data from customers table with avro file format and save data to hdfs path: /user/rj_example/avro_data/customers import data from customers table and save data to hdfs path: /user/rj_example/data/categories import data from products table and save data to hdfs path: /user/rj_example/data/products with '\t' as fields seperator create local dir 'rj_example' copy data from /user/rj_example/data/products to local dir