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Success Story on CCA 175 Exam - Jan 2019

Hello, Spark developers, As I have passed this exam on 3rd Jan 2019. I would like to share my experience in this exam and some exam related advice.

How to register and start the Exam

  • First of all, if you want to register for this exam then you should make an account in both Cloudera site and You should have to pay $295 in Cloudera site and then you can schedule your exam from You can reschedule an exam before 24 hours.
  • Once you will schedule an exam in examslocal site, you will see how much time left for scheduled exam. 
  • Before taking exam please make sure you have installed chrome with necessary chrome extension. You can test your system compatibility by pressing Compatibility test from an examslocal site.
  • You can start your exam as early as 15 min before but not later than 15 min from scheduled time. You will see the Start Exam button 15 min before your scheduled exam.
Information related to Exam's Question and Result
  • As this exam will not have MCQ type questions, but you have to write program related to spark, hive, sqoop and flume and save the output to the specified directory. 
  • Questions will not too much hard but it will be tricky that might be confusing you. 
  • This exam will not focus on logic and solution but output oriented i.e output should be matched with their output. If your output is wrong then they will give the reason in the mail of score result like type of files different or number of records are different.
  • You will get mail of result in 30 to 40 min of your exam completion.
Exam Environment
  • This exam is not arranged for any exam centres.
  • You can give an exam from a laptop or any PC having an external webcam but make sure to check the compatibility of your system by compatibility test. I used a desktop PC with an external webcam.
  • There is no provision to see how much time is left but you can ask time to proctor from live chat option.
  •  You have to click End Exam button after completion of an exam from the header. 
  • You have to allow use webcam and screen sharing option from website header.
Exam Preparation Advice

I recommend complete the following practice question before attempting the actual exam.
Second advice is to practice this question papers blogs as much as possible repeatedly.
Practice...Practice... and Practice then you will be surely clear this exam.

All the best for exam.

Thanks & Best Regards.
Rajan Patel


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